Φεβ 15

Hotel Rose.

Καλωσήρθατε στο Ξενοδοχείο Rose στο Σταλό, Χανιά, που βρίσκεται στο Σταλό, 7κμ δυτικά της πόλης των Χανίων και 4κμ απο το χωριό Πλατανιάς. Το ξενοδοχείο είναι χτισμένο στην ακτογραμμή, δίπλα ακριβώς στη θάλασσα κ τις αμμουδερές παραλίες.Αποτελείται από 24 δωμάτια σε δύο κτίρια, τα οποία είναι όλα εξοπλισμένα με ιδιωτικό μπάνιο, τηλέφωνο, τηλεόραση με DVD player, ψυγείο, ράδιο, wifi, A/C και μπαλκόνι με απευθείας πρόσβαση στη παραλία. Θέα στη θάλασσα ή στον υπέροχο κήπο. Προσφέρονται πρωινό, σαλόνι με τηλεόραση, μεγάλη πσίνα, pool bar, παιδική χαρά, γυμναστήριο και μπιλιάρδο.



ΜΗΤΕ : 10 42 Κ 01 1Α 00115 01


Replicant 2 continues the chain of impressive, revolutionary, yet functional RocketTheme templates. It combines incredible styling with refined and powerful code to help your website achieve its maximum potential.

  • RokNewsFlash
    RokNewsFlash is a custom mootools module that displays your newsflash tidbits at the top of your site. The RokNewsflash also includes small buttons allowing your visitors to toggle through the different newsflash items you have set up. See it in action on the frontpage.
  • RokContentRotator
    This module is another fine way to introduce snippets of your top stories in a seamless fashion. You can view this module in action on this page of this demo.
  • Integrated RokSlide Tabbed Modules
    You will observe that the modular positions, User15 through User 19 are contained within what appears to be RokSlide. In Replicant 2, the RokSlide effect/functionality has been integrated directly into the template, providing a sleek stylish approach for extra modules, allowing you to created tabbed modules and tabbed module groups.
  • Signallogin
    Signallogin is a custom login module that has an array of options to control layout, function and style. Replicant 2 has specific styling for this module for best effect.
  • IE6 Warning Message
    image For the Replicant 2 template we included a script that will display a message to IE6 users advising them to upgrade to a more secure browser version.

    This is not enabled by default, but can easily be turned on or off with a toggle in the template configuration. When enabled, users visiting your site with IE6 only, will be able to view the message. By enabling this, you can help fight the good fight that rids the internet of the evil incarnation that is IE6!
  • Stylish Typography
    Replicant 2 includes a vast selection of professionally styled typography to bring that extra element to your content. Choose from several typography options including various bullet and number styles as well as much much more.
  • 40 Module Positions
    With a Module Position count of 40, you will be able create a wide variety of layout options and methods for presenting your site's content.
  • Menu Extravaganza
    Splitmenu, RokMoomenu and Suckerfish all accompany this template. Splitmenu displays its submenus in a side column of your choice; Rokmoomenu and Suckerfish displays them in a vertical dropdown menu, with Rokmoomenu using the power of mootools to produce stylistic transitional effects.
  • Rocketlauncher Available
    The Replicant 2 RocketLauncher package consists of a full 1.5.7 Joomla install, complete with all of the demo images, content, modules, and extensions. By running the installer, your Joomla site will be set up with all everything needed to create an exact implementation of the demo site automatically.

